Sunday, June 22, 2014


Yesterday was Litha, the Summer Solstice (also known as Midsummer). It is the longest day of the year and also a day to reflect on your inner power and brightness. A lot of pagans will find a quiet spot and meditate on the darkness and the light both in the world and in your personal life.

A day to celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year with fire and water, night and day, and other symbols of the opposition of light and dark.

Litha is also a great time to celebrate outdoors! My family had a fun-filled day playing in the backyard. We filled up the baby pool on top of a tarp and had the sprinkler on it as well so that the kids could run through. It was a lot of fun

Sunday, June 1, 2014

My Son's Saining

Today we performed the ritual for my son's saining! My close friend who I have known since high school is also Pagan and has agreed to be my children's mentor. So if something happens to me, he will teach them my spirituality through Paganism. No one in my family shares my beliefs and I was worried that if I died they wouldn't learn what I believe in. I am so very fortunate to have such a wonderful friend who would do this for me. So he was part of the ritual, of course.
The ritual was small, we had a very basic altar:
Here is my very supportive husband holding our son during the rite of passage:

Kellen (my children's mentor) holding John Richard while I performed the actual "saining" part of the ritual:
My precious little man and I: