Friday, May 30, 2014

My daughter is a witch!

Yesterday my daughter begged me to go into the Altar room. We went in, she looked around and picked up the Goddess candle and handed it to me, so I lit it. Then she started going through my collection of herbs and (based on smell, I’m sure) picked out rosemary, eucalyptus, and mint.

Rosemary- which can be used to banish negative energy

Eucalyptus- which can be used for protection, purification, and health

Mint- is placed in the home as a protective herb


Then she put all of them in my mortar and pestle, spit in in then gave it to me to spit in it too. That was a little strange to me, but this was her spell so I went along with it.

            She ground it up, and then rubbed the end on the pestle against my forehead and chest. She then did the same to herself, put the pestle back and came up to me and kissed me. Then she laughed and put her arms around me.


            I’m not sure what she meant with it, but she’s so young (only two and a half years old) and her mind is so innocent that I think it was part curiosity and part love. I was so proud of her for wanting to do a bit of magick. I love that she calmly (and happily) does our Daily Devotions and I’m thinking of starting a bedtime ritual with the kids now. I found one online that I really love:

Now I lay me down to rest,

I pray that all the world be blessed.

Lady Moon and Sister Star,

Watch over me from afar,

The Lord of dreams will dance and sing,

And to me sweet dreams he’ll bring.

And when I awake to greet the day

Brother Sun will light the way.



We’ll see how it goes. Hopefully my little man will grow into loving the Goddess as well. His saining is this weekend and I am so excited!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Energy and Karma

Today I was grocery shopping with my husband when a teenage boy and his mother walked up to us. They told us that their church was asking the members to go out into the community and pray for people who need it. At first I was worried they were going to try to preach jesus and try to “save” us, but that is not what happened at all. The boy asked if there was anything in our lives currently that we needed help with. As it so happens, I have been having a hard time lately with my mental illness. I’ve been on and off depressed and have started self-mutilating again (which I know is a terrible coping mechanism, but honestly I’ve been so off lately I turned to it). I decided to tell the boy and his mother this. They asked if it would be okay to pray with us, and I said that was fine. The mom asked to put her hand on my shoulder, which I said was okay, and they prayed that god would help me in my time of need. Then they thanked us and I hugged the woman before they walked off.

                Obviously I am not a Christian, but to me I see Christian prayer as putting out good energy. The fact that two people who do not really know me were willing to take time to put that good energy in the world really made me feel good.

                Energy is so important and such a big part of my spirituality. There’s the “rule” that everything you put out into the world can and will come back to you three-fold.


                Another really big part of my spirituality is Karma. I did not post this here when it happened; because everything in my life was so chaotic then, but when my son was born he had a lot of health issues. He was born premature, septic, could not regulate his own breathing, and could not eat. He was put on medication for seizure activity for the first few days of his life. He ended up spending almost three weeks in the hospital’s NICU and it was so hard on our family. When he was two days old, the doctors finally let me hold him. It was so wonderful to finally hold and kiss my little boy. After I rocked him to sleep, I noticed a tag on the blanket they had him in. It said Project Linus:



When I was in high school, I was part of our school’s thespian troupe. One year we did the musical You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown! and due to that, as a charity event we participated in Project Linus. Project Linus is a charity that provides  love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.” We decided to become “blanketeers” and made dozens of blankets for children in need. I participated in this charity for three years, the entire time I was at that high school.




And now, as an adult, here I sat with my baby in the NICU and I see this tag. I started crying instantly. I never really realized just how important all of those blankets we made were until that very moment. I thought about how many other moms sat in NICUs or ICUs or cancer wards with their babies, trying hard to keep it together and that those blankets that we made were keeping their children warm while they struggled to live.

This was the biggest moment in my life when it comes to Karma. I sat there with my peers and made blankets for children, and then some other person who I don’t know sat there and made one for my son. My son who had everything against him, thankfully proved the doctors wrong and gained his strength and health back much faster than they thought and has just turned a year old.


The point I’m trying to make is that all the good energy you put out, all of that Karma, it does come back to you. Sometimes in the strangest way. So, while I do not believe in jesus, the fact that those two individuals at the grocery store took time out of their day to send out good energy and Karma really meant a lot to me.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Kids and Blessings

Went to reorganize my altar room/closet and my kids were amazed by everything in there.


They both sat still through a daily blessing with me (something very shocking for two toddlers).


Then they looked around while I did a healing candle ritual for a friend.
After all of that, I brought out my BOS (book of shadows).
Since 2005 I have used the book on the left for my spiritual journey and to document my rituals. But now that I am no longer I n my Maiden stage of life, I have moved to using the green book on the right. I suppose I will use it as long as my Mother stage lasts. Not sure if it will end once I become a grandmother? Will that be the beginning of my Crone stage? Not sure, I’m sure it’s a personal decision, and let’s face it- I have awhile before I have to figure that one out.

If anyone has any questions about any of this, feel free to ask!


Take care and blessed be!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Saining Ritual

Next month we are doing our son’s saining ritual. I thought I’d post it so people can see this rite of passage that pagan children usually go through.



Close Circle:

“The circle in closed and all herein are completely apart from the outside world, that we may glorify the Lady whom we adore”


Call quarters:

Light incense:

“I call upon the spirits of the North, that they join our circle and bring word of the dead and take our words with them. Welcome, Spirits of Air!”

Touch the Earth:

“I call upon the spirits of the East, that they join our circle and bring the comfort of the Earth, the flesh of the mother, to which we all return. Welcome spirits of the Earth!”

Light Fire candle:

“I call upon you spirits of the South, that they join our circle, bringing purification. That our souls should learn the trials and joys of life. Welcome, spirits of Fire!”

Pour water into cup:

“I call upon you spirits of the West, that they join our circle and bring peace, that we may take comfort in the cycle. Welcome, spirits of Water!”




“Lord and Lady, Father and Mother, God and Goddess: we have cast this circle on this day to celebrate a new life which through your magick has come to us.”



“Divine child, conceived in love through the magick of the gods, I name you ______________________”

Mother gives child token



“Spirits of the East, know this child whose name is ______. Bless him with the breath of life and give him strength of mind.”


“Spirits of the south, know this child. Bless him with the fire of life and give him a passion for life as well.”


“Spirits of the west, know this child. Bless him with the magick of life and give him the gift of hidden knowledge


“Spirits of the North, know this child. Bless him with the strength of life and give him the gift of physical well-being.”


Mother picks up child and asks her mentor to walk to the center of the circle. Mother presents the child to him.

                “(Mentor’s name here), her spiritual mentor, please come forward and take this child.”



                “You have done well and should be proud. I gladly accept this child on behalf of the goddess and her consort, the horned god.”

The mentor walks around the circle, presenting the child and says:

                “Little one, we welcome you. Newest member of our Earth, showering out love upon you; your sweet breath, blowing through our lives.”


Mentor then gives the child back to the parents who undress him (down to her diaper). Father holds him while the Mother does the following-


                “Sain from death, sain from wand”

-              Two drops of water on forehead

“Sain from breast to knee”

-              Three drops, line from chest to knee

“From knee to foot”

-              Four drops, line from knee to foot

“From the crown of your head”

-              One drop on the top of the child’s head

“To the soles of your feet”

-              One drop on each foot

“To preserve from behind”

-              One drop on the center of his back

“To sustain from in front”

-              One drop in the center of his chest




“Be proud and strong. Be you hail and whole. And may the Gods smile upon you and guide you through life”


Mentor holds child and says:

“May the light of the sun and the light of the moon and stars shine on your path, that you may perceive the beauty of both night and day. You are a child of the Mother and Father of all, beyond us- your human parents know that every end is a beginning and that the circle of creation has fulfilled itself in you. Pagan child you are today, but that is not binding upon you. Be as your own being shall decree in future years, in joy and in freedom.”



“Oh horned one, power of sleep and night, grant strength and blessings to this child of mine. Wrap him in the cloak of thy protection and guard him through the journey of life.”


Both parents, in unison:

                “We take the oath to raise and protect our son, _____________.”


Acting High Priest (and Mentor);

“Hail and farewell spirits of the north, east, south, and west. Thank you for being here on this day of _____’s saining. This circle is now open, but never broken. Merry meet and merry part, until we merry meet again.”


Pour rest of water out onto the Earth once ritual is done.


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Beltane 2014

Happy May Day! Today is Beltane: a fire festival, the origin of a maypole, and is littered with symbols of fertility. It is an ancient Northern Hemisphere spring festival. Beltane, and its counterpart Samhain, divide the year into its two main seasons, winter (dark) and summer (light). As Samhain is about honoring death, Beltane, its counterpart, is about glorifying life. It is the time when the sun is wholly unrestricted from his oppression of winter. He is now able to rule over summer, and life, once again.
Here is what a traditional Maypole can look like:

Take care and blessed be!