Friday, May 30, 2014

My daughter is a witch!

Yesterday my daughter begged me to go into the Altar room. We went in, she looked around and picked up the Goddess candle and handed it to me, so I lit it. Then she started going through my collection of herbs and (based on smell, I’m sure) picked out rosemary, eucalyptus, and mint.

Rosemary- which can be used to banish negative energy

Eucalyptus- which can be used for protection, purification, and health

Mint- is placed in the home as a protective herb


Then she put all of them in my mortar and pestle, spit in in then gave it to me to spit in it too. That was a little strange to me, but this was her spell so I went along with it.

            She ground it up, and then rubbed the end on the pestle against my forehead and chest. She then did the same to herself, put the pestle back and came up to me and kissed me. Then she laughed and put her arms around me.


            I’m not sure what she meant with it, but she’s so young (only two and a half years old) and her mind is so innocent that I think it was part curiosity and part love. I was so proud of her for wanting to do a bit of magick. I love that she calmly (and happily) does our Daily Devotions and I’m thinking of starting a bedtime ritual with the kids now. I found one online that I really love:

Now I lay me down to rest,

I pray that all the world be blessed.

Lady Moon and Sister Star,

Watch over me from afar,

The Lord of dreams will dance and sing,

And to me sweet dreams he’ll bring.

And when I awake to greet the day

Brother Sun will light the way.



We’ll see how it goes. Hopefully my little man will grow into loving the Goddess as well. His saining is this weekend and I am so excited!

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